The Ideal Time of the Day for Watering Your Lawn

If you are serious about keeping your lawn fresh and green, it is essential to make sure that you’re watering it at the right time of day. For that purpose, you have to consider a variety of factors such as how warm the weather is and what type of climate you’re living in.watering lawn organic products benefits


During the summer, it’s usually best to water your lawn as early in the morning as possible. This isn’t going to work in colder times, such as at the end of autumn or beginning of spring, since the temperatures can still be close to freezing. However, in the summer, choosing a time around sunrise can be one of your best initiatives for watering your lawn at the right time.


Alternatively, you can also choose a time of day when the sun has already passed. That usually translates to sometime around 5 PM to 8 PM, when the sun’s rays are no longer strong enough to evaporate all the water before it gets a chance to get to the grass’ roots.


If you’re living in an area with a less conventional type of climate, or you’re unsure as to when the very best time for watering your lawn is in your particular area, consider contacting a local gardening expert with for organic lawn products and additional advice.

The post The Ideal Time of the Day for Watering Your Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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