What Is the Most Resilient Type of Grass You Can Seed?

Asking the question, ‘what is the most resilient drought tolerant grass out there’ might seem like a straightforward option for finding the very best grass that will grow strong and doesn’t require much work. However, that’s not necessarily the case, as the type of grass you seed will have to depend on a lot of different factors, including the type of soil you have and the climate associated with your area.


As you probably already know, there are lots of different types of grass to consider depending on where you live. Dry and warm areas might prefer something like the Zoysia grass or Buffalograss – two species that are typically capable of withstanding the warm drought conditions in some part of the south without requiring much maintenance work. Bermuda and St Augustine grass are also considered great for these types of areas, some also fairing well in areas like Colorado, where the dryness remains but the weather can also get quite cold in the winter.


In cold weather, however, these grasses will not last. Instead, you’ll have to think about using Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue or perennial ryegrass. There are other species too, of course, but these are typically considered to be the most resilient ones when you have to deal with harsh, cold weather in a northern state like Washington or Illinois.

The post What Is the Most Resilient Type of Grass You Can Seed? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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