Are There Species of Grass That Can Resist Brown Spots?

A lot of people, including scientists and researchers for various institutes, have been trying to come up with a single answer for this question over the years. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution to this problem that has been plaguing lawn owners for decades. That’s because, although drought tolerant grass exists and will withstand lack of water without browning, brown spots can occur because of a whole lot of other reasons grass drought tolerant


The best option so far is tall fescue. This drought tolerant grass has shown some promising results in various trials. It can withstand harsh environments and still grow to give a nice shade of healthy green to any lawn it is used on.


Tall fescue, especially the Kentucky 31 variety, can be used in many climates and in many types of soil. It all depends on what you want your lawn to look like – what you need to know is that fescue is a much coarser grass than what is usually used on lawns, but that doesn’t mean it’s less pleasant. And no matter how resistant the grass, in order to keep your lawn looking fresh, it is best to always be on the look-out for potential harm.

The post Are There Species of Grass That Can Resist Brown Spots? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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