What Are Most Brown Spots in Grass Caused by?

All lawns develop brown spots sooner or later. There’s no two ways about it. And usually brown spots in grass are caused by water. Either because there is not enough of it or because there is too much of it. Keeping a balance when it comes to watering your lawn can sometimes be difficult. Thoughts on the matter vary, depending on who you ask. Gardeners would say that watering your lawn once or twice a week is more than enough. Other people working in the gardening equipment industry will say that that is nowhere near as much as needed. You’ll have to try and find the right amount of water your lawn needs by yourself.pests insects brown spots in grass


Another frequent cause for brown spots in grass are insects. They tend to invade and attack the roots of lawns that use fertilizers in excess or of those that haven’t been taken care of. Grubs are especially pesky, and can do some real damage to your grass. They weaken the roots and make your grass wilt up and die. Make sure you deal with the problem as soon as you notice it, and don’t let it spread all over your yard.

The post What Are Most Brown Spots in Grass Caused by? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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