Best Solutions to Get Rid of Brown Spots in Grass

Brown spots in the grass are actually patches of dead grass often caused by dogs urinating there. Lawns that are too dry or already low in nutrients are particularly sensitive to dog urine.

brown spots in grass dog

Fortunately, there are solutions to get rid unsightly brown spots in grass for good. Even if you cannot bring the dead grass back to life, you can repair the affected areas so that the grass looks as good as the rest of the lawn.

First, you should water the area repeatedly, to dilute the salts in the dog’s urine. It contains a lot of nitrogen, which, used in small measures is beneficial for the lawn, but in high concentrations causes it to burn.

Another solution is to remove the patches of dead grass and then treat the areas with special solutions such as organic water-saving fertilizers and soil treatment to ensure healthy grass growth.

Whenever you repair your lawn, be sure to keep your pet away from clean, freshly sown areas. New grass seeds need time to germinate and settle with healthy roots. A good rule of thumb is to let the grass grow and mow it three to four times before allowing traffic on it again.

The post Best Solutions to Get Rid of Brown Spots in Grass appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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