How to Select the Best Lawn Products If You Are Environmentally Oriented

If you want to keep your lawn healthy, you will need an integrated management approach.


In addition to the fact that solar radiation levels, air and soil temperature and humidity must be taken into account, it is very important to use nutrients in a balanced way. The analysis of the environment and the substances you intend to use allows you to understand the context in which the lawn area will grow.How Does It Work Lawn Care Green Luscious Grass

The nutrients of a non-organic fertilizer are synthetic or derived from a source extracted from the mine. In general, they are all soluble and provide an immediately available source of nutrients for the lawn. The downside is that they’re not environmentally friendly and they may even hurt or burn your lawn if not applied correctly.

If you are environmentally oriented and want a natural and safe option, you will want to opt for organic lawn care products.

Organic fertilizers are obtained from the degradation of vegetal or animal organisms. They are a great source of nutrients of organic origin, even if their nitrogen content is lower than in the case of non-organic sources. This is because natural degradation depends on the soil s microbial activity to decompose and be absorbed by the plant. This entire process requires a biologically “active” soil, temperatures above 10° C and adequate humidity.

It is recommended to use natural fertilizers if you want a healthy and green lawn. The basic fertilizer of this type is compost, obtained from plant residues in the garden, but there is a growing selection of organic fertilizers available in stores, so you can easily find just the right option for your lawn.

The post How to Select the Best Lawn Products If You Are Environmentally Oriented appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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