Is Drought Tolerant Grass a Good Option for You?

Often, people do not have the time to water their lawn regularly, which can become a problem especially if the local climate is rather dry. Therefore, drought tolerant grass may be a good option.Best Option Drought Tolerant Hardy Grass Seed

One way to have a resistant lawn is to plant the Bahia type of grass, which is not only resistant to drought, but also to insects and various diseases that may occur in a warm and dry climate. Other resistant types of grass are Bermuda, Zoysia and WaterLess. The latter, as its name suggests, is drought resistant thanks to the roots that penetrate up to 30 cm into the soil.

The grass species in the composition of the lawn that provides this drought-resistance is Festuca Arundinaceea. So, when you buy lawn seeds, check their composition and make sure that the content of Festuca Arundinaceea is as high as possible, typically 40 – 60%. The other grass species can be varieties of Lolium and Poa.

But keep in mind a very important aspect: the drought tolerant resistance appears only at the maturity of the lawn and not when it has just germinated from the seed. Consequently, it must be sown and watered like any other lawn. Drought resistance is given by the deep and very well developed roots of Festuca Aruncinaceea. Therefore, only when the plant will have fully grown roots that penetrate 30 cm in the soil, you will be able to say that you have a drought resistant lawn.


The post Is Drought Tolerant Grass a Good Option for You? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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