Know the Truth: Is Organic Fertilizer Effective?

It is perfectly possible to have a lush and healthy lawn by performing regular works and using specific products for its fertilization. The quality of the lawn will increase if you use fertilizers with content similar to that of the soil.know the facts organic liquid fertilizer results

Organic fertilizers result from the degradation of plants or animal organisms. They are not as concentrated as non-organic fertilizers, because they depend on factors such as the quality and temperature of the soil, as well as the level of humidity, but they are just as effective, and, most importantly, they’re safer than non-organic ones.

The nutrients must be made available to the plants gradually and in harmonious ratios corresponding to the vegetation phases. As a general technique, organic fertilizers will be applied in such a way that a fresh organic matter (unfermented or green manure) will never come in direct contact with the roots of the plants. The organic materials must be previously either composted or placed on the surface and then incorporated through a shallow work (5-10 cm) in the soil.

The use of an organic liquid fertilizer has significant advantages – they maintain good microbial activity of the soil, are eco-friendly, do not burn the plants, and have long-term effects.


The post Know the Truth: Is Organic Fertilizer Effective? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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