Reasons to Choose Environmentally Friendly Soil Treatment

For optimal development, plants need active soil that contains the right amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and other necessary nutrients. Given that not every soil contains these essential nutrients to obtain a rich harvest, it is recommended that it be improved with fertilizers. Natural fertilizers have many advantages, which is why specialists worldwide recommend farmers and gardeners to use them.soil treatment lawn garden

What are natural fertilizers?

Natural fertilizers are those substances that have not been chemically processed. They are obtained from organic or mineral sources. In order to release their nutrients, most fertilizers need to decompose in the soil.  Soil treatment is recommended for lawn and garden alike.

Reasons to choose natural fertilizers

  • When natural fertilizers decompose, they improve the structure of the soil and its ability to retain water and nutrients.
  • The materials used for these fertilizers are biodegradable and contribute to the recycling process.
  • Most materials used as natural fertilizers are cheap, as they are composed of plant and animal waste, which can be turned into compost.
  • Natural fertilizers stimulate the natural development of plants. In addition, they help plants become more resistant to disease and pests.
  • Unlike chemical fertilizers, natural fertilizers do not pose a risk of toxic accumulations of chemicals and salts that are harmful to plants.

The post Reasons to Choose Environmentally Friendly Soil Treatment appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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