How to Get Rid of Brown Spots Naturally

Brown spots can greatly affect the appearance and health of your lawn. Anyone who had to care for a lawn in the past knows how much trouble brown spots can become. In some cases, they can not only lead to disease, but also to large parts of your lawn dying out entirely. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with brown patches on lawn that aren’t too difficult.


The first option for getting rid of brown spots is to address the issue before it happens. Brown spots can be caused by poor lawn maintenance before winter, urine from pets and wild animals, as well as the presence of various diseases and pests. Identifying and addressing the underlying issue at the first signs of brown spots can help to prevent further spots from appearing and effectively protecting your lawn.


The second method of getting rid of brown spots naturally is to nurse your grass back to health. This process can be somewhat difficult, and it can involve having to change the pH of your soil, treat the soil only with organic fertilizer, and trim your lawn to ensure that it grows back healthier than before. Some of the parts of this process can be very tricky to get right, and you’ll have to be very careful to ensure that your lawn isn’t even more stressed than before. The result could be losing large areas of the lawn and having to compensate either by re-seeding or using sod.

The post How to Get Rid of Brown Spots Naturally appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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