The Causes for Brown Patches on Your Grass and How to Solve the Problem

Anyone who has tried to treat grass for dog urine knows how difficult it is to deal with brown spots. This is one problem that doesn’t have many shortcuts, and understanding the exact cause can be paramount to actually solving the problem before it leads to your lawn becoming severely affected.brown patches dog on lawn


The causes for brown patches on lawn are usually caused by dog urine or the urine of animals such as rabbits and other rodents that might end up on your lawn at any given point. The excess nitrogen in the urine is normally the culprit, as it can “burn” the grass, causing it to turn a yellowish brown color. If not addressed as soon as possible, it can even kill your grass.


Other possible causes can also include the grass being affected by severe winter temperatures, by various diseases and pests, or by the improper use of fast-release fertilizer that can have the same effect as the excess nitrogen from pet urine.


The issue has to be addressed early on and solved as quickly as possible. You can try washing away the pet urine and rebalancing the pH of the soil. You can also consider using organic lawn care products and liquid fertilizer to address the issue naturally and ensure the precise use of your fertilizer product.

The post The Causes for Brown Patches on Your Grass and How to Solve the Problem appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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