The Fast and Easy Way to Prevent Brown Patches on Lawn

Summertime can be tough on every lawn and cause brown patches to appear on it. The combination of hot and humid weather creates the perfect conditions for developing this lawn-related issue.Easy To Use Revive Brown Spots In Grass Green Lawn

The thing is, brown spots in grass can spread quite quickly. To prevent the presence of brown patches on the lawn, it is essential to understand what causes them and how they usually take action. They are caused by foliar disease. It is a summertime disease but can still survive winter. So, when it is hot and humid outside, fungi can start developing on your lawn, making it turn brown.

Of course, some types of lawn plants can be more sensitive than others, and the exact effects depend on the specific type which you have. At any rate, since preventing is always the best way to deal with anything, applying the right practices can save your lawn from developing this disease.

Brown patches are related to the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in the summer. Excessive irrigation can be another reason why fungi attack your grass, so this should be avoided, too. Keeping your lawn properly mowed, providing it with good drainage, and using natural fertilizers are also very helpful activities that will help keep your grass looking great.

The post The Fast and Easy Way to Prevent Brown Patches on Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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