Is Any Kind of Soil Treatment Required Before or During Winter?

After a year of lawn maintenance, gardening operations stop during the winter. The lawn mower is set aside, the irrigation system is closed and protected from frost, and winter preparations have been successfully completed. Winter is, indeed, the time for a moment of relaxation and recovery of strength, as well as a period in which you can continue the documentation process to improve the quality of your lawn in the upcoming season.

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However, your lawn still needs to know that you haven’t forgotten it.


Lawn fertilization, which must be done twice, during the fall: the first time at the beginning of the season, after the summer stress, to help the recovery of the lawn by adding nitrogen, and the second time at the end of the season. Autumn fertilization is essential because it provides the necessary nutrients that the lawn will use during the winter months.


Given that there is a good chance that the lawn will stay under a layer of snow for a while, the roots must be well developed to withstand freezing temperatures and the lack of light. The lawn thus enters a state of rest and there will be no need for fertilizer during the winter, but come Spring any kind of soil treatment you can do at the beginning of the season will help immensely.

The post Is Any Kind of Soil Treatment Required Before or During Winter? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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