Why Should You Stick to Buying Only Organic Lawn Fertilizer

Some people may think that buying organic fertilizer isn’t as efficient as buying synthetic one. But they seem to miss some of the advantages of using organic fertilizer. For instance, although organic fertilizer has a slower rate of getting in the soil and fertilizing your plants, it does not force the plants to grow. Synthetic fertilizer works faster but can make plants grow weaker. That’s because their growth isn’t at a natural pace. This means that your plants won’t be as strong and will probably wither away much faster. Advantages Organic Fertilizer Brings


Another great advantage of using organic fertilizer for your lawn and plant beds is that it does not contaminate the water table underneath. When using synthetic fertilizers, there’s a big risk that part of the fertilizer that the plants didn’t absorb will make its way down to the water table and contaminate it. That can make the water taste funny and even have harmful effects on the people that use that water. You don’t have to worry about that with organic solutions. A much more significant part of what you use will get absorbed by the plants. Also, even if part of it gets in the water table because it is organic, it will get dissolved and will not present a risk for anyone.

The post Why Should You Stick to Buying Only Organic Lawn Fertilizer appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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