Getting Tips from an Expert Gardener: The Use of Solid Fertilizer

When it comes to options of soil treatment, solid fertilizers are among the most popular options due to the great features of these products, including affordable pricing and easy application. If you are considering using solid fertilizer in your garden, here are some tips from the experts:

expert gardener revive products organic fertilizers

  • Choose the best fertilizing method – solid fertilizers can be scattered over the entire garden, used in individual beds or applied only to individual plants. As a general rule, you should use one pound of fertilizer for 100 square feet of garden space, but it is a good idea to cancel the label on the product you are planning to use to make sure that you get the quantities right.


  • Prepare the soil – prepping the area in which you will be applying your fertilizer is another very important thing. Make sure to apply your fertilizer when the foliage of your plants is dry and so is the soil. Apply your fertilizer in the right quantities, then water the fertilized area to have the fertilizer penetrate deep into the soil, all the way to the roots.


  • Pay attention to frequency – the label on your product will provide information and instructions regarding the ideal frequency of applying your fertilizer. Make sure to respect those intervals accurately.  For some of the best organic fertilizers go to


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