How to Check Whether You Have the Best Lawn Fertilizer

The lawn fertilizer that you use is essential for making your grass green and strong. Here are the aspects that you should take into consideration when picking the best lawn fertilizer:


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  • Consider organic options – the two main categories of lawn care products are synthetic and organic fertilizers. As a general rule, you should choose organic products whenever it is possible, that way you can avoid stressing your plans using strong chemicals and you can also have the natural environment in your area.


  • Choose the product of the right composition – the three principal minerals found in fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, each product available featuring a different composition. Most grass types used in lawns require fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen and low in phosphorus, so read the labels very carefully on the products available before making your final decision.


  • Choose a slow-release product – organic fertilizers are available in quick release and slow-release varieties. Slow-release products are more beneficial for the grass as well as for the soil because they can be consumed by the plants only if certain microorganisms are present in the soil in the right quantities. These microorganisms breakdown the fertilizer and transform it into a substance that can be used up by the plants.

The post How to Check Whether You Have the Best Lawn Fertilizer appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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