What You Need to Know About Switching to Drought Tolerant Grass

If you are tired of having to water your thirsty grass all the time and if you want to reduce your overall water consumption, replacing your existing lawn with a drought tolerant grass is an excellent idea. Here are some tips about how to make that switch:

drought tolerant grass green lawn

  • Consider the preferred season type of the grass variety – drought tolerant grass species are available in cold season varieties as well as in warm season varieties. Cool season drought tolerant grass, such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue or fine fescue, have a wide temperature tolerance and are able to stay green during the winter as well. Warm season varieties include bermuda, centipede, and zoysia, varieties that can survive long dry spells without sustaining any damage, but that prefer higher temperatures.


  • Make the transition gradually – a great way to switch to drought tolerant grass is to overseed your existing turf with drought tolerant seeds. The transition will not take place overnight, but your lawn will become more and more resistant to dry periods with every overseeding.


  • Be aware of watering needs – a drought tolerant grass might be able to live through long dry spells unharmed, but even these varieties need regular watering in the period right after the sowing. Whenever you sprinkle your seeds, make sure to water every day for a couple of weeks to allow your seeds to grow strong and healthy roots.

The post What You Need to Know About Switching to Drought Tolerant Grass appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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