Mowing Tips for Healthy Turf

Lawn mowing is considered to be a tedious activity by many turf owners, but there is no way to skip the operation. To avoid the frustration of mowing your grass all the time without getting the expected results, here are some tips from the professionals about how to run your mower correctly:


lawn care products mowing tips


  • Mow to the right height – cutting your grass too short will accelerate the process of soil drying, leaving your leaves exposed and unable to get the nutrients they need from the soil. Leaving the grass too long, on the other hand, will make the leaves too heavy and unable to stand up. The correct mowing height is usually between 2.5-3 inches, ideal for most types of grass.


  • Always use a clean and sharp blade – not sharpening the blades on your lawn mower is a mistake that you should avoid by all means. A blunt blade will not do a neat cut, ripping your leaves of grass and making them susceptible to illnesses.


  • The importance of using an organic lawn fertilizer – the correct mowing technique should always be associated with the correct lawn care products. The best way to go is to choose an organic product that releases its nutrient content slowly and to apply your product at the intervals specified in the product instructions.


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