Why Drought Tolerant Grass Still Needs a Lot of Care

Lawns tend to absorb a lot of water, especially in the dry season. Draught resistant lawns can be a good option in this respect, but they still require organic lawn care to be sure. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of drought tolerant grass to choose from.

Why Drought Tolerant Products Help Grass



There are several different things to be considered while choosing your turf. Climate, soil conditions, lighting, usage and maintenance-related issues, all of these play an essential part in the decision-making process.


In very dry areas, the most recommended options include Kentucky blue grass, tall fescue, St. Augustine grass, Kikuyu grass, and so on.


At any rate, it is very important to remember the even the most resistant type of grass still needs proper watering in order to preserve its good looks for as long as possible. To obtain the best results, it is very important to use good quality, organic products which do not deteriorate the good state of your soil and make it rich in useful ingredients, instead.


Improving the cultivated area is also a great idea. By doing that you can ensure that the grass’ roots can develop properly and easily penetrate into the structure of the soil. Mowing and aerating at the right time is also helpful.

The post Why Drought Tolerant Grass Still Needs a Lot of Care appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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