How Organic Lawn Care Can Prevent Brown Spots

Highly fertilized gardens already receive an almost maximum amount of nitrogen, so the urine of the animal is the drop that “fills the glass” and leads to the destruction of the lawn in that area. Unfortunately, those brown spots also affect the appearance of the entire lawn.

Revive Products Brown Patches in Lawn Treatment


Lawns that are stressed are more likely to be affected, as are those recently planted or suffering from drought or disease.


In addition to the usual measures to prevent this problem (intensive irrigation of the affected areas to dilute urine and training the animals to urinate elsewhere), you could also consider using organic lawn care products for treating brown patches on lawn, as they remove the risk of over-fertilization and burning of plants.


Other advantages of using organic lawn care products include protecting the soil and the environment, encouraging the development of beneficial life forms in your garden, preventing soil erosion; modifying the pH of the soil making it more acidic or alkaline and stimulating the natural development of plants, these becoming more resistant and less dependent on the regular dose of fertilizers that you apply.

The post How Organic Lawn Care Can Prevent Brown Spots appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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