The Best Soil Treatment for Lowering Your Soil’s pH

The basic elements for a balanced soil, which decisively influence the development of plants (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium), are assimilated by them depending on the pH values: phosphorus is assimilated at pH 6.5-8, nitrogen at a pH of 6-8.5, and potassium at a pH higher than6.Revive Soil Treatment Green Lawn

Other elements: sulfur pH > 6, iron pH < 6.5, boron pH 5-7, calcium and magnesium pH 6.5-8.5, manganese pH 4.5-6.5, copper and zinc pH 5-7.


The optimal pH for most vegetables is located between 6.3 and 7.4, but some prefer a more acidic or alkaline pH.


Organic matter that decomposes in the soil (plant residues), rainfall and irrigation (they reduce the amounts of N, P and K – elements that maintain a neutral soil), but also various lawn care products ultimately contribute to the formation of an acidic soil, that you will have to correct.


How to lower the pH of the soil?

For balancing an acidic soil, it is recommended to incorporate lime, wood ash (7-10 kg per 100 square metres) and bone meal (10-20 kg per 100 square meters). The disadvantage of these substances is that, over time, they get washed away by rains, irrigation and must be periodically added to the soil. Over a long period of time, compost is the most recommended for soil treatment, because it naturally and gradually regulates the pH level.

The post The Best Soil Treatment for Lowering Your Soil’s pH appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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