Can You Restore Those Brown Patches on Lawn?

Knowing how to make grass green again and how to get rid of brown spots in grass can be a challenging prospect. Brown spots are hard to get rid of once they become more well-defined, and usually prevention is the best solution. However, when brown spots first start to form, there could be ways to counteract the problem especially if you already know what’s causing it.brown spots in grass need revive


One of the things you can do is prevent your pets from urinating on that area again and keep the use of fertilizer, (especially nitrogen-rich products) and excess water to a minimum. By protecting patches that were affected through pet urine or overuse of fertilizer, you can allow your lawn to heal. It due time it could improve greatly.


If the brown spots on your lawn are due to excessive moisture, you have to check why that moisture is there. Better drainage might be needed, or you could require a new sprinkler system to water your lawn more evenly and efficiently. Compacted soil also has to be dealt with, as it can cause an increase in pooling.


Aside from all this, the general advice that most experts will give you is to mow high, water your lawn on schedule, and strive to keep it as healthy and robust as possible. That might also involve using an organic fungicide, switching to slow release organic fertilizer or aerating your soil. When applied correctly, each of these options could help your lawn return to its former glory.

The post Can You Restore Those Brown Patches on Lawn? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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