Is Organic Liquid Fertilizer Better Than Chemical Fertilizer?

Organic lawn fertilizer is used more and more by both homeowners and business owners interested in making their lawn greener, healthier and more robust. If you’re serious about making sure your lawn can survive insects and pests, and that it’s going to easily withstand storms and cold weather once summer is over, then the use of organic liquid fertilizer might be an important addition to your lawn care activities.

Yes Organic Liquid Fertilizer Is Preferred

The difference between slow release solid fertilizer and the use of liquid fertilizer is the faster action associated with the latter. When you use organic liquid fertilizer, it will go straight into the soil and act upon your grass much faster. Because of this fact, it’s important to use liquid fertilizer through shorter bursts as well as more frequently.


Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that many organic fertilizers that are delivered in liquid form are actually contact products. That means the plants and the grass that they are used for will take up the nutrients through their foliage rather than through the roots. Unlike granular products that don’t require watering, liquid fertilizers do, and because of that, they can be used more efficiently and with greater accuracy than almost any other fertilizer.


Organic fertilizer in general is very healthy and far superior to chemical based fertilizers. However, because of the aforementioned factors, when you use liquid organic fertilizer products, that’s when you can truly gain all the impressive benefits that organic compounds have to offer.

The post Is Organic Liquid Fertilizer Better Than Chemical Fertilizer? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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