Avoid Damaging Your Lawn by Using the Best Organic Fertilizer

Keeping your lawn in a good condition is part of preserving the beauty and well-being of your living environment. And you can rely on the properties of a good quality organic fertilizer to help you better care for your lawn. The best types of natural fertilizers are rich in potassium (seaweed), phosphorus (bone meal) and nitrogen (feather meal).

best lawn fertilizer green grass


Organic lawn care not only makes your lawn healthier and stronger, but also look its very best. The first step is to take a soil test. By doing that, you find out about the exact nutrients that are missing from your soil and, therefore, which substances you should add to it to make it more fertile.


Before applying the fertilizer, you should also pull out weeds, remove the dead plants and roots which get accumulated on the surface level (the so-called “thatch”) and thus enable your lawn’s soil to absorb the nutrients.


Composting may be another way in which you can contribute to the good health of your lawn. You can either buy best lawn fertilizer already made, or make your own compost pile somewhere in the back of your yard. Applying a layer of turf grass after you have seeded your lawn may also prove to be useful.


The post Avoid Damaging Your Lawn by Using the Best Organic Fertilizer appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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