How Improper Watering Can Affect the Growth and Health of Your Lawn

In order to develop well, your lawn needs good light, oxygen, essential nutrients and proper watering. Thanks to water, grass gains elasticity and can grow stronger against destructive elements such as insects, harsh weather, etc. Even drought tolerant grass needs proper watering.


Lawn Health Revive Products

While deep and abundant watering on a less frequent basis can do a lot to help your lawn preserve its green beauty, irrigating your lawn on a shallower, yet more frequent basis can have the opposite effect. Your lawn can benefit from about one inch of water per week. Watering your lawn should be done in such a way that it also reaches the plants’ roots.


Apparently, the best time of the day to water your lawn is very early in the morning, before sunrise. Watering in the evening can lead to the formation of fungi. And in case you water your lawn during the day, evaporation can happen, due to the hot sun.


You can water your lawn either manually, with the help of a hose, or automatically, with a specialized system. Manual watering should be applied if you have a small field. Regardless of the type of watering, improper irrigation can have negative effects such as soil compaction.  To help lessen the amount of water your grass needs, look to products that nourish the soil and provide nutrition to your lawn at


The post How Improper Watering Can Affect the Growth and Health of Your Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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