Less Common Lawn Care Products That Turn Your Lawn Green

Every homeowner wants a perfectly green lawn. And that can be obtained by using a few tricks, and also by applying organic lawn care products. Soil compaction can be one of the reasons why your lawn may look less green.

Bad Good Organic Lawn Care Products

Removing dead grass and weeds can also make the application of organic lawn care fertilizers more efficient. Cutting grass at the right height is also essential for keeping your lawn healthy and nice-looking.


Iron is known to help a lawn get greener. At the same time, fertilizers which are rich in nitrogen can be very useful, especially organic ones with very slow release. For instance, bat guano is known for its high nitrogen content. Beneficial microbes are another essential ingredient for obtaining a green lawn.


Compost is another natural solution for making your lawn regain its beautiful green color. This should best be done at the beginning of spring. However, you should avoid making the compost layer too thick. Corn gluten meal can help you get rid of weeds. And you should make sure that the lawn is not damaged by dog urine, which can cause it to turn yellow or brown. Another very good option is to aerate your lawn’s soil on a frequent basis.

The post Less Common Lawn Care Products That Turn Your Lawn Green appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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