Soil Treatment Pitfalls to Avoid at All Costs

When applying soil treatment to your garden or your lawn, there are some pitfalls that you should avoid at all costs. Applying the wrong type of treatment can certainly do more harm than good. For instance, you should avoid watering your lawn too much.


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Another mistake is applying too much fertilizer, and too often. And applying a treatment without any soil testing can actually be counterproductive. As a matter of fact, soil testing should be done at several different small areas throughout your field to get the best idea about the actual state of your soil and how it can be improved.


Soil sampling is a vital part of the whole process. It involves accuracy and an eye for detail. There are many mistakes that can be done during soil testing, too. And one of them is that of sampling at the wrong depth. In order to do this right, you can make use of machineries, or do the manual digging.


When you fail to properly clean the sampling tools, soil cross-contamination can occur. This results in inaccurate soil readings. And that, of course, has a negative impact on the entire soil treatment process.

The post Soil Treatment Pitfalls to Avoid at All Costs appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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