Best Lawn Fertilizer to Use in the Fall

A healthy lawn begins with autumn fertilization.

Autumn is one of the two times of the year (spring is the other!) when the lawn is in a period of active growth. It is the period when the lawn is in its best condition, as long as it has everything it needs.

Easy To Use Best Lawn Fertilizer


In order for the lawn to have that beautiful and uniform green color, while also developing beautifully in this season of moderate temperatures, it needs a nitrogen-based fertilizer that should be applied at the beginning of the autumn.


Fertilization is an important aspect at a time of year when the day becomes shorter and the amount of light for the production of chlorophyll is reduced. An organic fertilizer that contains a rich amount of nitrogen will increase the chlorophyll content in the blades of grass, making your lawn look greener.


The second stage of autumn lawn fertilization is after mid-October and up until mid-November, when you need to get your lawn ready for the cold season. It needs strength to resist in freezing temperatures, therefore, this time, the nitrogen content should be low, but the amount of phosphorus, and especially potassium in the fertilizer, should be increased.

Before applying the best lawn fertilizer in the fall, watering is an imperative activity for water to drive the fertilizers into the soil.

The post Best Lawn Fertilizer to Use in the Fall appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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