When Is Soil Treatment Necessary

For vegetation to develop optimally, be it lawn, flowers, vegetables or fruit, the soil must contain suitable amounts of different substances (nutrients) including nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron etc., depending on the plants you want to grow. Because not every soil is naturally balanced for a rich harvest, it must be treated with special substances. Of these, natural fertilizers are increasingly recommended.

Planting New Grass Soil Treatment Necessary

Types of natural fertilizers

  • Organic fertilizers: they consist of manure, animal droppings or plant residues. It is applied so that the fresh organic matter does not come into contact with the roots of the plants (it can burn them). The materials must either be turned into compost before applying them, or incorporated by plowing or tilling the soil until they enter 5-10 cm into the soil.
  • Natural mineral fertilizers: represent the next stage after organic fertilization, and are being used in small quantities to balance the organic matter. Insoluble minerals used as fertilizers include algae, calcium carbonates, natural phosphates and rock dust.
  • Soil amendments: they are used to improve the physical and biological properties of the soil, mainly to correct the pH.

Soil treatment is necessary at the time of planting, to provide the plants with the necessary nutrients for rapid development, but also at different stages of their development (in this case, it is applied both at the level of the roots and at the level of the leaves).

The post When Is Soil Treatment Necessary appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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