Does Soil pH Change on Its Own Over Time?

There are important elements that can affect the pH of your soil including climate, texture, and the content of mineral substances in the soil. In warm and humid environments, the pH of the soil is more likely to decrease through a process called soil acidification. In dry climates, the weather has a less intense effect on soil, causing the pH of the soil to be alkaline or neutral.

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The content of clay in your soil cannot be changed, but the content of organic matter can be modified through proper management. Soil with a higher concentration of organic matter is able to withstand an array of conditions and can resist a drop or a rise in the pH level.


The pH of your soil can also rise continually on its own, in which case you can balance it by adding more nutrients. The pH of soil should ideally rest somewhere between 5.5 and 7.5. To have a well-balanced soil and a healthy lawn, you should check the soil pH level on a regular basis.  Lawn care products from can help balance your soil with organic nutrients that will have your lawn flourishing.


The post Does Soil pH Change on Its Own Over Time? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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