How to Solve Brown Patches on Lawn with Simple Home Remedies

Brown patches on lawn can be a nuisance, negatively affecting your curb appeal. Fortunately, these patches can be effectively handled with simple home remedies. You do not need to be professional gardener to deal with this kind of issues quickly and efficiently.

Brown patches on lawn treat with Revive Products


Since brown patches have different causes, it’s important to figure out the specific reason behind the patches on your lawn. Regardless of the cause, there are some remedies that can be effective. For example, you can spread cornmeal on your lawn to get rid of the fungus. This can be done manually or by using a spreader.


Another good idea is to reduce the amount of shade in your yard. Fungus and other elements that prevent the proper growth of a healthy lawn usually develop in places with extra moisture and less sunlight. The shaded spots in your yard are likely to be home to brown patches.


Removing dead grass can also be helpful. Dead grass takes up space and ultimately impedes new grass from growing. Testing your soil to determine its pH level can be another great idea. In doing so, you can discover the elements missing from your soil so you can take proper measures.

The post How to Solve Brown Patches on Lawn with Simple Home Remedies appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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