Why Do You Need to Aerate Your Lawn Before Winter?

Soil treatment can work wonders for your lawn. And one of these treatments includes aerating your lawn before the arrival of the cold season. Doing that certainly has many advantages.


Healthy and lush lawns do not just happen. They are result of applying good strategies and putting in a little bit of effort.  Aerating is why gold courses look so lush.

Aeration Lawn Care Products Absorption

Soil aeration involves creating holes in your soil. The small holes which are made through the aeration process let air penetrate the soil and allow lawn care products to absorb deep within the roots. Water and essential nutrients can thus reach the roots of the grass. And what soil aeration primarily does is provide a solution for one of the most frequent problems that lawn owners usually have to deal with, that of soil compaction.


The reason why soil compaction is bad is the fact that it prevents grass from getting the much needed resources from the soil. When it is mixed with lawn thatching, a compacted soil can actually make your soil starve.


In the winter time, the soil’s capacity to absorb water is greatly diminished. Another instance when you may need to aerate your soil is due to new construction where heavy traffic mats down your lawn,

The post Why Do You Need to Aerate Your Lawn Before Winter? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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