Going Organic: The Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers on Your Lawn

The lawn needs help to grow properly and to remain healthy. The mix of substances contained in an organic fertilizer Denver area contributes to the support of the plants in their various stages of development.


Healthy Lawn Organic Fertilizer


The advantages of lawn fertilization:

  • stimulation of rapid germination of lawn seeds;
  • supporting the development of roots, increasing its resistance to breakage and traffic;
  • obtaining a uniform lawn without thinned or missing grass areas;
  • the lawn will better withstand periods of drought or intensive rain.


Fertilizers are also important to strengthen the immunity of plants, protecting them from pests (diseases, parasites), in the long term.


Organic fertilizers are an excellent solution. They have in their composition natural elements (bird’s manure, enriched with malt germs, fulvic acid, humic acid etc.) that support the development of a green and dense lawn, protect against diseases and limit the growth of weeds and moss. Compost made in your own garden is also a good fertilization option, if it has a balanced formula.


The advantage of this category of fertilizers is that they do not harm pets, and there is no risk of burning the plants.


The nutrients contained in organic fertilizers need incorporation into the soil, after which they are taken over by plants. They have no direct effect on the plant, so the result will appear a little later than in the case of chemical fertilizers, but the efficiency is very good.

The post Going Organic: The Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers on Your Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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