Brown Spots in Grass: Causes and Practical Solutions

Brown spots in the grass can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of water, disease, pests, pet urine, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental stress. To prevent and treat brown spots, practical solutions are necessary to not only address the common causes of brown spots in grass, but also ensure that the grass roots are strengthened and properly nourished to prevent future cases.

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Sometimes brown spots in grass may be caused by lack of water. Ensure your lawn is receiving adequate water by watering it deeply and less frequently. They may also be caused by fungal diseases such as brown patch and dollar spot. To prevent such occurrences, avoid watering in the evening, as that action can promote fungal growth. Strive to use natural lawn care products to eliminate the fungi.


Much like fungal diseases, the presence of insects like grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms can cause brown spots in grass. Use natural insecticides, such as neem oil or pyrethrin-based insecticides, to control pests and keep them away from your grass.


Finally, brown spots in grass can also be caused by nutrient deficiencies or environmental stress factors, such as excessive heat or cold, drought, or heavy foot traffic. Use high quality organic fertilizer that can replenish nutrients like iron, nitrogen and magnesium, and avoid walking on the grass when it is wet, so that previously high traffic areas can be adequately protected..

The post Brown Spots in Grass: Causes and Practical Solutions appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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