How Drought Tolerant Grass Should Be Approached

The seeds for a drought-resistant lawn are specially designed for a dry climate and for spaces without an automated irrigation system or with low drainage. Coming from a mixture of seeds with a high degree of purity and germination (which is generally based on Festuca rubra, but also includes lower percentages of seeds from species such as Lolium perenne, Festuca heterophylla, or Festuca arudinacea), the resulting lawn is characterized by well-developed roots and a healthy foliage. In drought conditions, the lawn maintains its green color and has a nice overall aspect.Lawn Care Drought Tolerant Grass Products

Drought-resistant lawn seeds are the ideal choice for those who want a beautiful lawn without working too hard for it. They also represent the most sustainable drought tolerant grass solution to save water, energy and time resources.

Moreover, such a lawn has other properties, such as a high resistance to pests and diseases, an increased tolerance to the lack of nutrients in the soil and resistance to traffic. Therefore, such a mixture can also be successfully used for lawns intended for leisure activities.

These seeds have a very high permanence and increased quality. Drought resistance occurs at the maturity of the lawn and is given by the development and depth of the roots (> 30 cm) of the used grass varieties.

The post How Drought Tolerant Grass Should Be Approached appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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