Plant the Right Grasses for Preventing Brown Patches on Lawn

Some of the diseases of the lawn result in brown spots, which represent areas of dead grasses. There are several kinds of diseases that may generate such symptoms, from those caused by fungi to the brown patches on lawn caused by pet urine.

brown patches in lawn reasons remedy

Regardless of the cause, a lawn with problems is unsightly and you must take measures to limit the affected areas and to prevent the appearance of diseases in the future.

In addition to the specific treatment, depending on the identified disease, the best measure is to plant, right from the start, a variety of resistant grass.

There are different types of grass, as well as mixtures of seeds specially designed and adapted to specific conditions – climatic or related to the exploitation of the lawn.

Often, when it comes to the choice of lawn seeds, there are several common criteria that are the basis of people’s decision: picking up the best varieties to grow a lawn with a beautiful appearance, which is easy to plant and will grow quickly, which is easy to maintain and resistant to various factors (e.g., drought, traffic), as well as to diseases.

An example of a lawn with very high resistance to diseases is obtained from the following varieties:

  • Festuca arundinacea 60%
  • Lolium perennial 25 %
  • Poa pratensis 10%
  • Festuca rubra 5 %

However, you must be aware that no variety of lawn is 100% resistant to disease, so it is important to also take proper care of it.


The post Plant the Right Grasses for Preventing Brown Patches on Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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