Drought-Tolerant Grass To Cope With The Climate Change

Climate change certainly has an impact on all aspects of our lives. And, of course, landscaping is also included among the things that are adversely affected by climate change. For instance, you may need drought-tolerant grass to ensure you can enjoy a gorgeous lawn for extended periods throughout the year.Revive Drought Tolerant Grass Soil Treatment


Perhaps the first thing to remember about drought-tolerant seeds is that using them does not mean you will have a green lawn during the rain-less months. It means the grass can go dormant when the temperatures are high and thus can survive until the water becomes available at larger scales again.

When there is a shortage of rainfalls, even if you water your lawn regularly, that may not be enough, and that is one good reason why you can go for drought-tolerant turf. Your local climate determines the exact type of grass you should plant.

Perennial ryegrass can be a good solution. But you should avoid cutting it too low, so you should mow it from two inches up. Bermuda grass is exceptionally tolerant to heat and, therefore, can be regarded as another solution to climate change problems. And Buffalo grass seed is among the most resistant one to high temperatures.

The post Drought-Tolerant Grass To Cope With The Climate Change appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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