Can You Treat Grass for Dog Urine After an Extended Period?

Grass in our yards is often something that we take pride in – it is a sign of healthy badlands that remain lush and thick even in the dry summer months. For dog owners, however, grass can easily suffer, often due to dog urine. Can you treat the grass to help it withstand better after prolonged urine dousing? Let’s find out.  Keep reading to find out how to bring back dead grass from dog urine quickly.

How To Bring Back Dead Grass From Dog Urine

What is dog urine doing to grass?

When a dog urinates, specifically on the same area of the grass multiple times, the nitrogen contained in the urine will kill off that area of grass. It does this by burning up the soil, defined by a patch of grass turning yellow or brown. While the grass around the patch may remain healthy for a while – and even continue to look for a while – eventually that patch of grass will need replacing as the nitrogen will be degrading the grass health and actively killing it.


What can you do about it?

There are several strategies you can take when dealing with dog urine damaging your lawn. One is to simply use turf-friendly products that either break down or neutralize the nitrogen in the urine. With proper application, this can help save the unhealthy areas of grass and keep them looking healthy for prolonged periods. Proper irrigation is also helpful, as well as planting special grass seeds that are specifically designed to resist better.


The importance of keeping your dog hydrated

Regardless of the strategy you use to protect your grass from canine urine, it is always important to keep your pooch properly hydrated. This will reduce the effect of the nitrogen in the urine and help you save your yard from suffering from damage.

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