Going Green from Roots to Blades – How to Master Organic Lawn Care

For your lawn to grow strong, it first needs really good soil, so you should add some organic material to it such as compost, or well-rotted manure. This is much like giving your lawn a tasty and nutritious meal.

Organic Lawn Care

And since different types of grass like different things, you should choose a type of grass that is right for your area. It is like choosing the right clothes for the weather.

Watering is important, but too much or too little can do more harm than good. So you should water your lawn when it is thirsty, when the soil is dry about an inch below the surface.

Much like feeding your lawn with healthy snacks instead of unhealthy food, you should look for organic lawn care products to improve the state of your lawn.

And since weeds are like unwanted guests, you should always pull them out or use natural methods to get rid of them. After all, you want to keep your lawn looking nice and tidy for as long as possible. Some bugs are like little garden helpers. For instance, ladybugs and bees are good for your lawn. Moreover, you have to remember that your lawn is a living thing, so you should give it time to grow.


The post Going Green from Roots to Blades – How to Master Organic Lawn Care appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.

from Revive Lawn Care Products https://www.revive.com/blog/lawn-care/going-green-from-roots-to-blades-how-to-master-organic-lawn-care.html


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