
Showing posts from December, 2018

Will Snow Hurt Your Grass?

Winter can be snowy and very cold but also rainy, with many temperature fluctuations around the freezing point. In each case, your lawn is exposed to significant stress. Snow itself does not affect a properly cared lawn, but it can favor various problems and diseases. As a measure of precaution, you should not step on the lawn as long as it is frozen and covered with snow. Also, make sure you remove the leaves that fall from the trees in autumn; do not make piles and leave them there and apply organic lawn care products to nourish your lawn for winter. Making piles of snow is also a mistake, because they favor the apparition of snow mold, which is a type of fungus that destroys lawn areas. This disease occurs mainly in areas that have not been trimmed before the winter, and where leaves and snow blocked the proper aeration for a long period. Like other pathogen-causing diseases, snow mold pathogens are always there, but the disease erupts only if there are conditions for its develo

Plants To Grow In Your Lawn and Garden in December

Even if the cold season is here and nature is numb, do not hesitate to make the necessary steps to prepare your lawn and garden for the spring. Be sure to use organic fertilizer from Revive in the fall, and early Spring.  Despite the weather, some resistant plants successfully make the transition from winter to the next season, growing in vibrant colors that will stand in the winter`s monotony. Hepatica is a flower of the family of anemones that produces inflorescences of different colors, from white and pink to purple, in the late winter or early spring. Another member of the same family is the wind flower; it produces lovely flowers in different colors that appear in March. Cyclamen is another plant that does not care about the cold outside. Its amazingly beautiful flowers, in a pink-violet shade, delight us in late autumn, resisting the winter until early spring, when it enters its vegetative state. Hellebore, popularly known as winter rose or Christmas rose, is a vigorous flowe

Tips For Avoiding Lawn Frost Damage

Now that winter has come, low temperatures and frost can become a real problem for your lawn and garden. Taking the following things into account ensures that in the spring you will have the same beautiful lawn as as in the previous season. First of all, we must get rid of the idea that we can leave everything as it is, considering that winter is a completely dead season after all. But how can you avoid lawn frost damage? The answer is simple: prevention. Nutrients and proper irrigation during the year provide a solid background for the grass, and if it stays healthy, there is little chance that it will be affected even by the harshest conditions, so make sure to use an organic liquid fertilizer in Spring and Fall . It is also very important, during the winter, to avoid traffic over the frozen lawn. Other type of damage specific to the cold season is easily reversible. How do we help the lawn to revive after a harsh winter? Once the cold season passes, even if no complications have o