
Showing posts from February, 2020

What Is Snow Mold?

Snow mold is a lawn disease indicating that the grass is suffering from a fungal infection. It occurs, usually, in cold and humid weather. The term "snow" is somehow misleading in this context, because this disease also appears frequently in the absence of snow; it only need humid conditions and a temperature between 0 and 8 °C. Therefore snow mold will not appear exclusively in winter, but at any time of the year with rather cold weather or after temperature fluctuations. This fungal infection will not spread when the temperature is exceeding 20 °C and it occurs frequently in combination with other diseases that develop in winter. If it is affected by snow mold, the lawn will suffer on a smaller scale first; you will notice small circular areas of plants turning gray-ish and looking saturated of water, and, in the end, more areas like this will eventually join. They will have a brown color, with gray-white edges. As temperatures rise, snow mold stops growing, and the sta

Salt And Other Ice Melts On The Sidewalks Can Actually Hurt Your Lawn

If your property is close to a circulated road, you can expect your lawn and plants in the yard to be affected by the salt used to melt the ice and snow on the road, in the cold season. The salt reaches the grass, leaves and even roots of the trees because of the water and snow splashed around by vehicles circulating on the road. This water is absorbed by the vegetation in your yard, and the consequence can be the slowing of the growth process or even the death of some plants.  Products like Revive offer great organic materials that will only benefit your lawn and plants and give them the nutrients needed to repair.   Damage identification Typical signs of the damage caused by road salt are brown colored leaf extremities, especially in those situated close to the ground. However, signs are not always the same; some leaves may also simply turn yellow. Road salt acts as excessive fertilization: the plant gets too many nutrients and therefore it loses significant amounts of water from

You Should Still Water The Trees During Winter On The Dry Days

With the beginning of winter, trees are also exposed to the severe weather (cold wind, ice, snow or sometimes even drought), and although they look strong, the harsh climatic conditions stress them. If you want to have vigorous and healthy trees in spring, do not neglect them in the cold season.  Make sure to use a good organic fertilizer twice a year , certainly before winter sets in.   Here's how to care for the trees in your garden, in early winter:   Use mulch   In autumn and early winter, add a layer of mulch around the trees. It will retain moisture in the soil and reduce temperature variations. In addition, the mulch layer protects the roots from frost.   Water the trees   At the beginning of winter, you can irrigate the trees every so often, to make sure they have enough water. For irrigation, choose days when it is cold outside, but the soil and trees are not frozen. At least in the case of young trees that need more resources to grow and survive, watering is es

What Happens When Your Lawn Is Dormant For The Winter?

Low temperatures along with frost can become a real problem for the lawn and garden. Normally, your dormant lawn will rest and regenerate in winter, but this does not mean that nothing should be done to care for it. Cold and frost do not actually damage the lawn, but create conditions to be damaged. These phenomena cause the cells to freeze into the leaves. If you walk on the lawn in these conditions you will destroy the leaves, and, in the spring, the damage will be visible. It is also important to say that frost does not cause the seeds to die, but maybe only to postpone germination until spring.  Planting drought tolerant grass is wise and easily germinates when the weather warms up. The lawn must be irrigated and have the necessary nutrients, even in winter, so these operations should not be neglected during the other seasons. In this way, the lawn will withstand well even the most severe weather. Last but not least, watch out for snow man and other snow accumulations in the g

Tips To Plan Your Spring Lawn And Garden

If you own a house, you are lucky – soon, you will enjoy the sun, green grass and flowers in your garden. But you also have an extra responsibility: preparing the garden for spring. Here are the essential operations you must check on your to-do list: Verify your gardening tools and prepare them for action Any gardener, professional or amateur, needs an arsenal of tools and functional accessories for gardening. Make an inventory and see if you have everything you need. Clean and sanitize the soil The long winter has left its mark on the aspect of your garden, so you should take action. Collect any kind of debris laying around. Rake the soil to gather leaves, roots and dried stems. It is very important that the soil is clean, to prevent the spread of diseases and to allow new plants to grow properly. Trim the shrubs and trees, removing dried and broken twigs and branches. Fertilize the soil As soon as you have finished cleaning, you need to make sure that the soil is ready f

Not All Bugs Are Bad

There are over eight million species of insects, of which about one million are known and inventoried. Among these known insects there is a short list of beneficial insects for the garden. Chrysopa larvae , also called “ aphid lion”, devour the harmful aphids. Adults are pale green-brown, with large wings and feed on flower nectar. Larvae are predators of aphids, butterflies, plant fleas, moth eggs and small caterpillars. The lovely butterflies feed on the larvae of harmful insects and with other parasites of the garden. Butterflies are more active at maturity. Assain bugs are also good in the garden, because they devour insect eggs, aphids, leafhoppers, boll weevils and more. Woodlice are also garden friendly, as they overturn the soil and contribute to producing compost, Pirate bugs are also on the list of garden beneficial insects because they destroy lice and ticks. Adults, who are also the most active, have white V-shaped lines on their black backs. Ground beetles liv

How Composting Can Help Your Lawn And Garden

The benefits of using compost and Revive products are many and have been tested on many crops. Compost contains essential nutrients for the development of plants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also  micronutrients, such as cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium and zinc. The greater the variety of ingredients used in compost, the more nutrients your plants will get. Nutrients are released into the soil when plants need them most: in spring, when plants are still small and temperatures are lower, compost microorganisms release small amounts of nutrients. In summer, when temperatures are high and plants grow rapidly, microorganisms also work more intensively and release more nutrients. The soil is more aerated, allowing root development. The organic matter in the compost, together with soil particles form small lumps that make it neither crumbly as sand nor sticky as clay. These soil lumps store water and gradually release it for your plants. Water that cannot be r