
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Many Benefits of Deep Root Watering During Winter Months

When the winter is dry, and your plants and trees need supplemental watering, deep root watering becomes very essential, not only to their proper care but to their survival as well. Deep root watering is a process that keeps the soil beneath the surface, close to the lowest point of the root, moist and able to continue providing life-giving moisture to your trees and lawn for weeks on end.   Typically, deep root watering is required once every 3-4 weeks, and it has a few benefits that are quite important to remember:   First of all, it prevents the dry soil around your trees and shrubs and lawn from freezing, so you won’t have any problems with natural moisture being repelled and prevented from reaching the root. Deep root watering effectively ensures active root growth, which will keep your plants, trees and lawn healthy throughout the winter season. Some special additions to deep root watering include deep root injections featuring special ingredients that help break the surfa

The Use of Ice Melting Products on Your Lawn

While ice and frost tends to affect your lawn to a great extent, there are ways to deal with it. Aside from avoiding stepping on your lawn and damaging it in any way – since it’s in a more fragile state than ever, when it’s affected by ice and snow – it’s also a good idea to find ways to treat it, make it more robust and protect it from the freeze using organic products from Revive Of Denver .   One of the best ways to do this is to find quality ice melting products that can melt all the frost away and leave your grass safely intact. While this method can work, it’s also important to take a few precautions before and while using it.   First, make sure the product you choose is organic and that it doesn’t contain any ingredients that might damage your lawn. Also, if the application and use of heat is required in any form, it’s important to make sure you use it gradually, to avoid any sudden damage to the grass.   Ice melting products can be highly effective, but they have to be u

The Best Plants and Crops You Can Grow in Your December Garden

Do you want your garden to bloom and look great during the winter season? Certain plants and vegetables actually thrive and even bloom in winter, and choosing the right ones can not only keep you from a lot of hard work in maintaining your garden and making sure the plants you have don’t freeze, but also provide you with a good crop once spring arrives.   First, you might not know that there are actually a lot of tasty vegetables you can grow in the winter. Onions, garlic and perpetual spinach are some of the healthiest and most resilient vegetables you can consider planting in the autumn, that will withstand winter temperatures and ensure that, in some cases, your crop can last well into the summer.   There are also a lot of flowering plants that actually bloom in the winter or early spring. Some of these include snowdeops, pansies, winter jasmine and witch hazel. Some, like the latter, are colorful additions that will make your garden look festive, especially once the holiday se

Important Tips to Consider for Avoiding Lawn Frost Damage

Frost damage can cause major issues when it comes time to revitalize your lawn for the spring season. When the lawn is too extensively damaged, you’ll have no choice but to scrap it and plant it anew, while also having to deal with temperature changes and soil related issues which could hinder the growth of your new lawn and cause a lot of long term problems you’ll have to solve.   Fortunately, you can avoid all that simply by taking a few steps to avoid lawn frost damage during the winter season: One of the best things you can do to prevent lawn frost damage is to ensure that your lawn is properly nourished using an organic liquid fertilizer and other lawn care products . The fertilizer should be applied both during spring and fall, if you want the best possible results. Deep root watering can also help, providing much needed moisture and preventing dry soil from freezing and affecting your lawn. Avoid mowing your lawn, applying lawn treatments or stepping on frozen lawn once t

How Do You Take the Steps to Choose the Right Holiday Tree?

When choosing a Christmas tree, most people just focus on its overall look and height. A taller tree is usually seen as being more valuable, although depending on your personal preference, you might like them more if they’re short and “fat.”   The great thing about choosing a holiday tree is that you can opt for the one you want; however, it’s very important to pay attention to certain aspects, some of which actually do have a lot to do with the tree’s appearance.   First of all, make sure the tree doesn’t have any brown or yellow pins. This will show whether or not it was cut fresh and kept hydrated before being sold. Also, make sure to ask the seller to untie the tree so you can look at it properly when you buy it. If no pins fall to the ground when you give it a shake, then you’ll know that you chose the right one.  Good trees that hold their needles have usually had an organic fertilizer applied to the root system , before it is cut down.   Finally, an important part of choos

How to Choose the Best Outdoor Holiday Lights to Decorate Your Home with

When it comes to choosing holiday lights, it’s a good idea to make sure that you select the best ones not only to put on your tree, but also to decorate your entire home with. The following recommendations should help you make a good decision in this regard:   Choose quality LED lights this winter. Not only are they brighter, but they’re also a lot less likely to burn out. Hire a dependable installation expert or electrician to help you install your lights. If you have a lot of lights, it’s important to consider safety regarding the use of heavy duty cables to power them, as well as protect your home and environment from a fire in the event of a short circuit. Get multicolored lights that complement the color of your home, roof and surroundings. You can use a multicolored light bulb to test out the effects of different colors on your home and decide what the best color combination might be.   Getting holiday lights and having them installed can be a fun and exciting experience,

Common Landscaping Ideas For Lower Water Usage

Landscaping projects using plants that last long without being watered are ideal for those who do not have much time available or live in areas where low water usage is required. With the help of the following plants, you can have a superb yard even in such conditions. Cacti Perhaps the best known plants that do not require frequent watering, cacti are used in landscaping projects due to their special shapes but also for their colorful flowers. The cactus, a true desert plant, loves drought and needs very little water every month. Unlike other plants, it will suffer and rot if it is watered more than necessary. Ficus plant There are over eight hundred varieties of Ficus in the world, but the most common ones used in landscaping are easy to care for. This plant does not need frequent watering, especially if it is put in clay soil, preferring instead light and fresh air. Portulaca Portulaca is a great heat lover that grows and blooms beautifully in full sunlight. This flower availa