Which Flowers Are Good to Plant in September?

The best flowers to plant in September are species that can survive the freezing winter temperatures and will be first to bloom in spring or will bloom during the entire summer – here is a short list:

- Iris – these beauties must be planted at the end of summer to have the time to develop strong roots before the winter. They are great survivors, able to stand up to harsh winters and they will start blooming among the first heralds of spring the following year;

- Crocuses – planted at the right time at the end of summer, crocuses may start blooming just about a month after being planted;

- Bulbs to be planted in September – tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are also best planted when the summer heat subsides a bit, around the September month;

- Summer-flowering plants to be sown in September – it might seem a bit early to prepare your garden for the following summer, but with annuals, such as calendulas, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, pot marigold, flax, bishop’s weed, poppy or baby blue eyes it is just the best thing to do – they will add bright colors to your garden and delight your eyes and your heart for months next year.  Even giving your garden some organic liquid fertilizer this time of year will help it to be nourished as we head into the winter months, and will cause it to flourish in Spring.


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