The Rising Trend Of Houseplants

Through their explosion of leaves and flowers, house plants manage to bring more life and beauty to our home. Without them, the house would be sadder and emptier.

When we decorate our home, we should pay attention to the plants we use; besides their aesthetic appearance, they may have other benefits such as ionization or air cleaning.House Plant Benefits

Thanks to the import of various exotic pieces, but also the effort of horticulturalists who have managed to create species adapted to our climate, today there is a wide variety of houseplants available for us. However, for the plants to reward us with the splendid explosions of leaves and flowers, we need to know their needs. We have to know which is be the most suitable place for each plant - some like the sun, others prefer the shadow tec. We need to provide them with an organic soil treatment so they can thrive.  We also need to pay attention to their moisture requirement, as some prefer a damp wet soil, while others wither if watered too often.

Due to the rising trend of houseplants, many people want to know why it is good to have them. Well, houseplants are not just decorative accents but also live organisms that are very rewarding if we take proper care of them. It is also good to have plants in the house because, in the presence of light, they undergo the process of photosynthesis. The advantage for us is that during the photosynthesis, plants consume carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen our body needs.


Original Post over here: The Rising Trend Of Houseplants


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